Stories by Claudia



网上共青团-中国建筑 - · 中建二局三公司团委参与“第九届全国少数民 为帮助少数民族大学生提高就业能力,感受改革开放发展成就,促进各族大学生交流,助力中华民族大团结,由共青团中央、国家民委主办发起的“第九届全国少数民族大学生暑期实习计划”近日在京组织实施。

The Queen of Cool is an intense mystery filled with insurmountable odds, covert government operations, and toxic weapons, where a courageous heroine risks it all in the name of love. Set against the backdrop of Fort Worth, Texas, the Queen of Cool was originally published as a serial fiction.

Queen of Cool Cover


Devastated by her husband’s sudden death, Lorraine “Lo” Downs returns from his funeral to find that she is locked out of their home. With no money in her pocket, and her wedding album as her only possession, Lo lands in the center of an international conspiracy to distribute a toxic weapon of mass destruction. With the help of her friends and family, Lo risks it all in the name of love.

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